Thursday, September 21, 2006

Damn It!

Clover got more bad news. Please go visit and give her some encouragement. And please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, if you're the praying type.

I don't believe in karma anymore. You do good, and good gets returned to you, right? No. Not even close. If that were so, there would be a lot of people who would be prospering mightily, while a lot of others would be suffering mightily. But it just doesn't work that way.

Clover's situation--they're working their tails off trying to make ends meet and provide for their family and their seriously ill son, but make too much money to qualify for the aid they so desperately need--is one of the situations that drove me insane while I was at CPS. I have a "Blue Book." It's published by the United Way of Tarrant County, and has resources for everything you can imagine. I have searched through that book time and again to give referrals to various clients. The people who were actually working and trying to provide for their families, I usually couldn't give them one damned thing. But the people who were content to sit on their lazy asses and let the government and everyone else provide for them, yeah, those I was able to give referrals for everything from groceries and prescriptions to transportation and medical care.

It's wrong. It's just wrong. And it sucks. And I'm pissed.

I'm going to figure out how to do a big fundraiser for Chase's transplant, and I'm going to find a way to pay for it. He is not going to suffer because of the injustices of the world we live in. If you have any ideas, let me know, because the line stops here. I'm making this happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Faith, it sometimes feels the same in England that everything is geared up to help those people who are unwilling to help themselves.

We had a documentary a couple of years ago that contrasted one family working all the hours god sends, struggling to get by and ineligible for aid, against a family who did nothing but have kids, smoke, play bingo, drink and were being paid by the State - nearly TWICE what the working family were earning. Had a bigger house too, thank you Taxpayers.

Where's the incentive to provide for yourself? Welfare gone crazy. I think we should help those in need, but not those who can't be bothered. There's a difference.

I hope you do well with the fund-raising.