Monday, December 05, 2005

It's a new week

The end of last week didn't go so great; I did very poorly on Friday and, to a lesser extent, on Sunday. So I'm a little apprehensive about weighing in tonight. I have to keep reminding myself that it's about the journey, not the destination.

When I was at the doctor's office on Friday afternoon, he put me back on Effexor, an anti-depressant that I had tried briefly in September. At that time I noticed that it had an appetite suppressing effect. Would that it will do so again!

My sister Liz had a really rough week last week, and got very discouraged. She called me this morning to say that she gained only half a pound. I hope she's feeling more energized and ready to get back on her feet and keep going. Only half a pound gain, on a week when you feel like you've done so horribly that you didn't want to track your eating, is really great. Way to go, Liz!!

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