Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Another 3 pounds gone!

I was surprised at weigh-in last night to learn that I've lost another 3 pounds. I was not anticipating such a great loss, especially considering last Friday. However, as I think about it, it seems like the weeks that I have the highest losses are those in which I have eaten at a moderate or low level most days, and had one or two very high days. Maybe it just helps keep my metabolism jumping. I don't know, but it's worth investigating further.

I brought the traveling journal home with me this week. I did it during Thanksgiving week as well, and it did help me do better than I might have otherwise, considering that I knew that my leader and the other people who take the traveling journals home with them would read about my week.

I am so determined to succeed at this, and plan to do whatever will help me!!

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