Thursday, December 08, 2005

Birthdays and Parenthood

Today's my birthday. I got a very loving e-card from both parents today; my dad said that his life changed on this date 42 years ago, because that's when he became a father. And my mother said that she woke up in the hospital and asked to have Virginia brought to her, and was surprised that the nurse didn't know who Virginia was. She said that I'm getting better every day.

I'm so grateful for all of my parents (was about to say both, but have to remember the much-loved step-parents as well).

And as I was reflecting on that, it made me so sad to realize I don't get to be a parent, at least not in this life. I can't share that experience with anyone, and it makes me so sad. I believe that Tad and Ellie are waiting for me on the other side of the veil, as are, I hope, many other children. And I know logically that this life will pass in what seems like a moment. I can only say that at least while I'm going through it, it's passing very slowly.

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