Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Wednesday Mind Hump

1. What's your favorite dish and/or drink that's made in a blender?

Buttermilk milk shake. It sounds kinda weird, but it tastes like a frozen cheesecake, and it's quite yummy.

2. What's the strangest thing you've ever put in a blender, or ever seen put in a blender?

??? I don't recall ever putting anything particularly strange into a blender. I do know that when I was pureeing half a pot of split pea soup (in the days before I got my stick blender), it looked pretty gross, but again, not strange.

3. What kind of day are you having? A chop day (everything's kind of slow and boring so far), a puree day (everything's fast and exciting), a turned-off day (nothing particularly interesting is going on) or a don't-take-the-lid-off! day (everything's a huge sticky mess)?

It's been mostly a chop day. Not much to do, and I did it. I have been a little sick today, probably as a result of too much Tex-Mex last night.

Gosh--how lame am I? In my defense, I've been doing a lot of reading (Terry Brooks, Diane Wynn Jones) and research (Dido, Wicca, Tarot, Magicks, medieval herbal medicine, and dream analysis), and that's kept my mind quite busy. I'm finding that as I'm preparing to delve into fantasy writing, I have to go into darker places than I've been. It seems to me that the contrast between light and dark is greater, and I need to be able to bring that out in my writing. I've made Verity too pliant, too accepting of the tasks that have been thrust upon her. I need to understand more about her and the world that she's been thrown into. And that world is a magical world, and she has powers that I have not yet discovered. Lots o' work to do!!


Anonymous said...

"I'm finding that as I'm preparing to delve into fantasy writing, I have to go into darker places than I've been. It seems to me that the contrast between light and dark is greater, and I need to be able to bring that out in my writing. I've made Verity too pliant, too accepting of the tasks that have been thrust upon her. I need to understand more about her and the world that she's been thrown into"

You're right. Fantasy draws the line between light and dark very strongly; some mysteries do the same. You do have a good background in mythology, though, and that helps.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'll bite. Tell us all how to make buttermilk whatever it is. I HATE drinking buttermilk. But if it'll make me think I'm drinking cheesecake I'll try it. So will T.