Friday, January 13, 2006


Four jobs you’ve had in your life:

1. Interviewer at a market research company. urgh
2. Professional gift wrapper at Sears
3. Nanny/housekeeper
4. CPS investigator

Four movies you could watch over and over: Harry Potter (all of 'em), Better Off Dead, LOTR (all of 'em), and Serenity.

Four TV shows you love to watch: Rugrats, Buffy, Firefly, Jimmy Neutron

Four places you’ve been on vacation: New Orleans, Buffalo NY, Disney World, San Francisco

Four websites you (try to) visit daily:, to read the daily strip; gmail, to read my email; the blogs listed in my sidebar; and, to read online books when I get bored.

Four of your favorite foods: cheese & onion enchiladas; shrimp (any way--broiled, fried, scampi); peanut M&M's; meatloaf

Four places you’d rather be: The mountains; the beach; Greece; Paris

Four albums you can’t live without: Only 4? I refuse to answer this question on the grounds of its being totally unreasonable.

Four people you’d tag to play this game: Trista, Wendy, and anyone else who might happen to read this blog!

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