Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sick, sick, sick. Sick is not good. Sick is not fun. Sick is lying awake half the night, coughing and feeling pins and needles in your throat each time. Sick is sleeping the other half of the night, and while sleeping dreaming that you're lying awake, coughing and feeling pins and needles in your throat each time. Sick is getting up in the morning, completely not wanting to go to work but knowing that you have to go and going. Sick is going to work not giving two cents about your appearance or greasy hair. Sick is sitting at work wondering if you dare tell your boss you need to go home, and what will her reaction be, because you're still temping and don't want to burn bridges, but dangit you're sick! Sick is sucking on Halls Max honey lemon throat drops like they were candy, because they do soothe the pins and needles in the throat.

Okay, I know it could be much, much worse. So I'll quit griping for now.

Joe had a good job interview yesterday, and thinks they'll probably make an offer within a few days. Basically, he would be hired by a different company to stay onsite at the bank where he is already the primary telecom person. We'll see what happens. He's talking about getting a new car. I assumed that he would drive the new car and that I would continue driving Buffy, which is completely fine with me. I mean, he'll be driving a lot more than I do, and besides, I got the new car the last time. But no, he said that he'll get the car for me, and he'll take over Buffy. I only ask that the new car get good gas mileage, have air conditioning (we do live in Texas, after all), and have an automatic transmission. I had forgotten how unpleasant standard transmissions can be when one is in heavy traffic. That's another reason I figured he'd want to drive the new car; I only have a 14-mile round trip in comparatively light traffic each day; he'll have about a 45- to 60-mile round trip in very heavy traffic each day.

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