Monday, January 16, 2006


On Saturday night, Liz and I went to the mall for our weekly 1.5-hour walk. Afterward, we saw "The Producers." I laughed my butt off although, unfortunately, not literally. It was just hysterical. On the way home, Liz and I continued quoting some of our favorite lines and laughing hysterically. Late that night, as I was in bed trying to go to sleep, I kept thinking of some lines and again laughing out loud. One of my favorite features were the different play titles produced by Bialystock and, later, Bialystock and Bloom. My favorite is "She Shtups to Conquer." Yes, I will definitely be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD. I have heard complaints that it keeps too much of the theatre ambiance rather than trying to make it a big extravagant movie with loads of special effects. As far as I'm concerned, that contributed to its charm. It was completely unnecessary to add loads of special effects. I've never seen the Gene Wilder version, but plan to rent it when I take back the DVD's I've currently got at home.

I quit using Netflix partly because of the cost and partly because I was no longer in the mood to see a particular movie when it finally arrived. I'm now using Hollywood Video's cheaper version of the program. I can't get the newest new releases, but older new releases and everything else in their library is fair game. I took home "Earthsea," "March of the Penguins," and "The Interpreter." I saw "March of the Penguins" yesterday and liked it quite a bit. I'll get around to the other two movies tonight or tomorrow night.

I'm finding that Sundays exacerbate my depression, for some reason. Yesterday I was almost suicidally depressed again, just as I was the preceding Sunday. It was not a pleasant day.

Joe's company is continuing their games with him. He has one manager telling him that he is getting laid off on the 31st, and another telling him that she is going to find a way to keep him there. I've been tired of their games for quite some time, and apparently he finally has gotten tired as well. He started seriously looking for other jobs, and already has two interviews set up for this week. I picked up a few dress shirts and some ties for him on Saturday, and printed off his resume for him today so that he can get copies made on good paper to take to his interviews. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm making peanuts at my piddling little temp job, and it's pointless to try to find anything else until I find out if I get accepted into the teacher cert program and get a job at the May job fair. If nothing pans out for me at the job fair, I won't be able to start the classes at the teacher cert school. Should that come to pass, I'll go ahead and find a good job and start taking my teacher cert classes online from a university. Doing it the way I'm planning to means only one month with no income; doing it the other way would mean an unpaid internship for a semester. I'd rather do it my way.

So life is as chaotic as usual!

1 comment:

Celena said...

I love that! I laughed my butt off, but not literally! Awesome quote.