Sunday, January 08, 2006


Depression is horrible. It's just horrible. As much as I love words, I don't think I even have the words to describe depression. And what is almost worse than the depression itself is how people around you deal with it. Just today Joe told me to stop being so emotional about everything. I've had people tell me that I just need to cheer up. For someone with major depression, being told to just "cheer up" is like a woman with infertility being told to relax, and it'll happen. I'd like to offer a big, hearty, f-u to everyone who thinks that's the answer to depression.

I had two "major depressive episodes," to use the modern lingo, (nervous breakdowns if you're older) this summer. Having been through them, I know what it feels like. I have this horrible feeling that one is coming on again, and I'm scared stiff. I don't have the money to be able to not work, and spend my days going to therapy and psychiatrists who don't care. I have to go to work to this pissass little job that I hate so that I can make enough money to pay my debts and save up for the few months this summer that I'll be in school instead of working.

I am taking my anti-depressants, and I strongly suspect my doctor will raise the dosage when I go see him next week.

Sometimes, when I get into this dark a place, I wish I could just go completely insane. Just lose it totally, not care anymore, and get put away. Let someone else deal with things for a while. I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of being strong. I'm tired of having people offer easy solutions for problems they can't even begin to understand. I'm tired. I'm just tired.


Trista said...

you know, I've had that same wish, because if I could lose the sense of responsibility that would come with a total breakdown then I could finally get the rest and help that I need. Still, it never happens and I keep chugging along.

I am thinking about you. I hope things swing up soon.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. Hopefully aside from all the other crap, you don't forget that you have freakin' tons of people who love you. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Watch out what you ask for. You might get it. I remember about eight years ago throwing a weeping tantrum and saying "I'm tired of having to take care of everybody; I want somebody to take care of ME."

For the last seven years I've needed to be taken care of. I hate it. I want to be strong again.