Monday, January 16, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony


1. What's your comfort food? macaroni & cheese

2. What's the most you've ever eaten? Oh, gosh--I really couldn't say. When I'm both depressed and angry, I can put away massive amounts of food in a ginormous binge.

3. What's your favourite restaurant? El Rancho Grande, in Ft. Worth near the Stockyards.

4. What's the grossest thing you've ever consumed? That depends upon your definition of gross. It could be the Hershey's milk chocolate and Ritz cracker sandwiches I used to eat when I was PMSing, in the days when I still had a uterus. Or it could be the stewed okra and tomatoes I was occasionally forced to eat when I was a kid. I vote for the stewed okra and tomatoes. Urgh.

5. What eating habits disgusts you the most? People who make horrible messes while they're eating, such as putting bones and fat from their meat onto the table, grabbing their glasses with greasy hands, using their hands too much, etc. I find that completely revolting, and if I'm dining with someone who does that, I have to consciously look at something else.

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