Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Shoes Week Winter 2007, Part 3

These are my brown grannie boots. I have a thing for grannie boots, and, in fact, own three pair. Two are identical in everything but color. I found these in a catalog about 5 or 6 years ago, and lusted after them so deeply that I had to buy them. So I did. I think I may have gotten the brown ones first, and liked them so much that I immediately bought the black ones that are just like them.
I'm wearing them with a pair of khaki jeans and a pumpkin tee decorated with vaguely Indian-looking swirls of color, sequins, and beadwork. I'm also wearing cheap earrings with huge genuine faux diamonds and amber colored gems.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow! look nice...I too have a pair of josef seibel shoes for my winter wear