Tuesday, January 23, 2007

First things first: There's a new theme up at the Sheherazade Project. So go check it out and write on it if you feel so inclined.

Okay, last night's audition was fun. There's no other way to describe it. The play? It's just odd. Bizarre. I've not read much by Gertrude Stein, so I'm not familiar with her work. It didn't make any sense to me, although there were flashes of beauty in some of the images. It's a 5-act play, and the whole script is 5 pages. It's not a typical play with roles and characters and meaning that hits one over the head with a sledgehammer. It's going to be fun to help this unfold and see what comes of it. Assuming, of course, that I do get to help this unfold.

I'm finally going to Bally tonight to redeem my 8-week pass from the Discovery Health Challenge. I can't afford to buy a membership to Bally right now, but free, well, hey, the price is right! A 1-year membership to my city's fitness center is only $70, so I figure I'll take advantage of the free 8-week pass to Bally's, learn how to use everything, and then go to my city gym and continue what I'll learn at Bally's.

Today I'm wearing my tribute to NYC shirt. I bought it shortly after 9/11--it's black and white and silvery and still shows the Twin Towers standing proudly erect. I'm not sure it's quite the thing to wear to my office, as they have a kind of strange dress code, but I am wearing it anyway, with black pants and a black blazer. No one's said anything, so I'm assuming it's kosher. That's one thing that losing 41.4 pounds (thank you very much!) is doing for me--helping me to find the confidence to wear whatever the hell I feel like wearing without worrying more than just a wee titch if I'll get in trouble for it!

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