Monday, January 29, 2007

Shoe Week Winter 2007

Trista inspired me to join in the madcap merriment that is Shoe Week Winter 2007. So here, without any further ado, are is my Day One photo.

As you can see, they are completely utilitarian, non-glamourous, plain-jane black pumps. I got them at DSW Shoe Wearhouse. I do not recall how much I paid for them, but it was probably between $30 and $50. They're extremely comfortable, even if they are completely utilitarian, non-glamourous, plain-jane black pumps.

With them I am wearing a pair of black cuffed cropped pants, black nylons, a black tank, and a black and white striped cardigan (it's mostly white near the top, then graduates to mostly black at the bottom--very cool). I chose to wear the plain pumps because they ended up looking the best with this particular outfit. But now that I get to take pictures of my awesome shoes, I will wear way cooler shoes the rest of the week, she says, rubbing her hands together gleefully.

Want to join in? It's easy! Take a picture of your shoes (a different pair each day), post it on your blog, and tell us about them.

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