Monday, January 08, 2007

My awesome sister Izzybella gave up her Saturday to come over and help me. The plan was to help me tear my kitchen apart. I wanted to tear the birdhouses, trellis, and ivy off the walls. Unfortunately, the kitchen was in such a mess that it had to be scrubbed down before I could even think about tearing down the birdhouses, trellis, and ivy. So we cleaned. We washed dishes, scrubbed counters, scrubbed my ancient stove, and cleaned the grody refrigerator. By the time she left, we were both utterly exhausted. She promised to come back next week so we can attack the dining room (it's not a separate room, just the other half of the kitchen area). Maybe next Saturday we can rip down the blasted birdhouses. I'm planning to paint soon as well. I'd hoped to paint the walls a nice cream color, but my husband isn't going to go for that. So I've got to find a color that we can both live with that isn't sky blue!!!!

What else--I'm down another 2.4 pounds as of Saturday's weigh-in. That takes me to 38.2 pounds total, I think. You can see it in my face; I now have cheekbones. I like my cheekbones. And I was a little startled to realize, when I went to buy some nylons on Saturday night, that I had no idea what size nylons I wear. (For the record, I've gone from 3X nylons down to 1X.) I feel great, and have a lot more self-confidence. I got a new Newport News catalog today, and I'm going to really enjoy going through it tonight, because I'm a lot closer to fitting into these awesome clothes than I have been. I'm also a lot more confident that I'm going to achieve my goal. I plugged in all my weigh-in data into a spreadsheet, and it's currently projecting my reaching my goal of 150 pounds in October. That seems a little freaky to me. Just getting below 200 pounds will be a huge, huge milestone.

I went to church yesterday, for the first time in almost a year. It was very difficult getting myself out the door of my house and into the door at church. However, once there it was really nice. The people that I was most reluctant about the potential of seeing weren't there. What was even nicer was that I learned today that they've moved out of our ward. Lest that sound really bitchy and unkind of me, I should say that there are some really unusual and uncomfortable circumstances around the whole situation with them. I've blogged about it in the past, and don't feel like going into it again. I wish them well, but I'm really glad I don't have to worry about seeing them every Sunday. However, I'm also really glad that I decided to start going back to church before I knew they had moved.

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