Friday, February 23, 2007

Trista is Evil

Evil, I tells ya!

Have you read the linky goodness? Why not? Go read the linky goodness. I'll wait here.

Okay. Did you see the part about the Scheherazade Project? See, you might win this really gorgeous brown and shiny gold Italian leather journal:

Here's how it works. Write a story. Or a poem. Or an essay. Just write something, okay? Write a lie. Lie like a yellow dog. (Or, if you happen to have a border collie, as I do, lie like a black and white dog.) It's easy, okay. As Trista reminded me, lying is part of the human condition. I know I've been lying since I was a kid, hence the growing up and becoming a writer, so I can lie with impunity. (Please note that I write FICTION.)

Then post your lie on your blog. If you don't have a blog, you may e-mail it to me at faith(dot)stencel(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll post it here. Then go to the Scheherazade Project, and in the comments section, post the link to your lie. Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy.

Someone's going to win that beautiful journal. Trista can't win it--she bought it and is the moderator of the Scheherazade Project. I can't win it--I'm co-moderator of the Scheherazade Project. So will it be you? Hmmmmm???

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