Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still Tired . . .

You know, I had those damned headaches for so long, and was coming home from work every day and crashing for so long that I wasn't getting anything done at home. Now I've got this nice medicine that made the headaches go away. And I'm glad. Really and truly glad.

Now I'm having to face the reality that piled up in the months of coming home from work and crashing because I hurt too much to do anything. It's imposing.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a slobby packrat. But the condition of my house has sunk to new depths, even for me. I worked for a few hours tonight, only to wreak more havoc in the process of trying to clear some things out. And then Joe came home.

Joe, bless his heart, is even packrattier than I am. He also has memory issues. A few weeks ago I packed up some clothes that are too big for me and gave them to a friend, with his full knowledge and consent. I haven't gotten of all my fat clothes, just some of them. Others I've packed up and have them ready to go into our storage unit. Anyway, today he came home while I was packing some up to take to my friend, and he just about had a cow. I get tired of having the same discussions over and over. And he gets so upset when I say that we've talked about stuff before, and it gets stressful.

And now he's lying on the bed watching Jimmy Neutron. I love having him around, but when I'm trying to declutter a small room, I don't want him lying on the bed watching Jimmy Neutron. I want him in the living room watching Jimmy Neutron, or in the living room playing guitar, or outside playing with Molly, or in the shower, or at Guitar Center, or in the kitchen washing the dishes, or pretty much anywhere that's not here. But I feel guilty, so I'm not going to kick him out of here for another 15 minutes. But then it will be 9:00, and I have to be at work at 6:30 tomorrow morning to try to get a little bit of essential work done before I spend the day running around like a crazy woman getting things done for employee appreciation day.

I'm glad I'm feeling better. I'm glad that I've finally got the energy to start getting my house cleared out and cleaned up. I'm glad that I've got the energy to help my sister get moved. I'm glad that my husband loves me and wants to be with me. I'm glad that I'm losing weight, and have some clothes to pass on to my friend. I'm glad that my friend's losing weight and needs some smaller clothes.

So why am I so cranky right now? I feel ashamed for being cranky, because life is pretty good.

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