Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wednesday Mind Hump

1. Do you have a true love? If so, tell us a little about him or her.

Of course I do! She's got 4 legs, is black and white, very cheerful, has the happiest smile I've ever seen, and loves to kiss me. When I come home from work, she jumps up on the bed and puts her ears back while I give her lubbies. I kiss her nose and she kisses my chin. And we snuggle together sometimes too, but she hogs the bed.

Oh! You mean my husband, not my dog? The first thing you have to know about Joe is that he likes to talk. And talk. And talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. We had been dating a month or two before he finally realized he didn't know what I thought about anything. That's because he never gave me an opportunity to say anything. But he doesn't just mindlessly talk about inane garbage. He's a deep thinker, and likes to share his thoughts with the people he loves. And he loves me. He's a brilliant musician, and has half a million guitars. I wish we had enough money so that he could have a million guitars, but we don't. He encourages me in every good pursuit; I don't think I'd have made it to my B.A. if he hadn't been pushing me when I got too tired to function. He's a good man. And I love him! And today is our temple anniversary!

2. If you don't have a true love person, I'm sure you have a true love hobby. What's your favorite activity?

My favorite activity is reading. But then if you've been reading my blog, you already know that.

3. What's your favorite romantic movie?

I don't know--I'm not too much on the romantic movies. The last romantic comedy I remember watching was Bewitched. And I'm a sap. Yes, I cried a little bit because it was so sweet and goofy. Don't hate me because I'm a dork who likes bad movies. That should make you love me even more!

1 comment:

Sam said...

My True Love invaded my soul. She is the candle and I the mirror. The sound of her voice sets my heart beating like a race horse. Her smile brings undescribable joy. Her touch makes me glad I'm a man.

My favorite romantic movie? It's a toss up between What Dreams May Come and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.