Monday, August 21, 2006


My best friend Clover has 5 kids. Her middle son, Chase, has cystic fibrosis. He's in the hospital right now, after having to have surgery this past Saturday to stop some hemorhaging. He is a very dear young man, and everyone who knows him is eager to keep him as healthy as possible, and on earth for as long as possible. If you believe in prayer, please remember him and his family in your prayers; if you don't believe in prayer, please send some positive thoughts their way. They need them. If you'd like to leave a note for Clover, her blog can be found here.

I haven't heard anything about the MRI yet. I anticipate that my doctor should have the results today or tomorrow. Yesterday I was in so much pain that I could hardly lift my head off the pillow. I managed to throw a turkey breast into the crockpot so we'd have something to eat, but otherwise I spent the day in bed. I am at work today, but wish I were back at home. My head's hurting horribly, and the air conditioning is inoperative here. I called and left a message for my doctor's nurse begging for even a two-day supply of something to give me some relief from the head pain while they're awaiting the MRI results.

And speaking of the MRI, that was all kinds of not fun. I managed to get through it by praying the whole time I was in that plastic tube. I felt that if I stopped praying, I'd start screaming for them to get me out of there. And there's nothing like being inside a claustrophobic plastic tube that sounds like there's a jackhammer going off just outside it to make a bad headache worse. If I ever have to get an MRI done again, I'm going to request a valium first.

Other than that, not much news to report. I was down another .6 pound at Saturday's weigh-in, for a total of 9.6 pounds gone. I have some clothes that I get to take out of my closet and put in storage, because they're too big (hooray), and need to get some clothes out of storage because they'll be fitting soon. That's a good feeling. I really want to be getting more exercise, but the head pain is so bad that I don't feel like it. Yet another reason to hope for some relief from some avenue.

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