Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fun With Drugs

Not that kind, silly! No, the legitimate, prescribed-by-a-doctor, supposed to be good for what ails you kind of drugs.

The MRI results show activity in the part of the brain associated with diabetes and migraines. I'm not diabetic. And I do have a history of migraines. So my doctor thinks the constant headaches are some sort of wonky migraine mutant headache thing (my words, not his). He referred me to a neurologist, and gave me a prescription for a new migraine medicine, and some pain medicine that won't make me itch.

After getting the prescriptions filled, I took the migraine medicine. I didn't take a pain pill because the pain wasn't too bad. Exactly one hour after I took the migraine medicine, I started itching. And itching. And itching itching itching over every square inch of my body. I got this ugly pimply rash all over my arms. It was agonizing and painful. I took a pain pill and some Benadryl. Then I took some more benadryl. Then I took some more Benadryl. It finally let up enough so I could catch a few hours of sleep.

I woke up 15 minutes before I had to leave for work, so I hastily threw on some clothes and raced out the door, scratching the whole time. I did my early morning reports. Check. I pulled all the credit bureau reports. Check. I did all the work that was sitting on my desk. Check. I then told my boss that I had to go back home because of a severe allergic reaction to the new medicine. I went home, stopping at the store along the way to get some liquid Benadryl, and spent the rest of the day either sleeping or scratching.

It's better today. I still have some itching going on, so I am still taking the liquid Benadryl. But I'm at work, and I'm decently clad, and don't look too awful. The rash has mostly gone away.

The headache, on the other hand, hasn't budged. No, it still is there, pulsing and pounding first on one side of my head before gradually making its way across the top of my skull and over to the other side of my head.

May I cry now?

1 comment:

Izzybella said...

I am SO sorry!! I hope you can get some rest this weekend and things let up.