Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tuesday is Chooseday

    Would you rather:
  1. bathe in a pool of dog drool OR be sprayed down with fire hose? Ugh!!! Um, I guess be sprayed down with a fire hose, although that would be painful, because dog drool, as much as I love my dog, is something I find exceedingly nasty.
  2. live in a house where everything is sticky OR that smells like rotting trash? Sticky, no question about it.
  3. sit under a tanning lamp for 12 hours OR live in a 90 degree house with no air conditioning for three weeks? I'd take the 90 degree house with no a/c--melanoma runs in my family!
  4. eat 24 popsicles in a row OR stand in a restaurant walk-in freezer for an hour? I think I'd do the popsicles, as long as I don't have to scarf them so fast I get brainfreeze.

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