Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday Feast

Appetizer: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10=highest), how sociable are you?

I'm not particularly sociable; in fact, when my depression is in full swing, I'm extremely anti-social. But amongst my friends and people I've known for years, I'm reasonably social. So, maybe a 3?

Soup: Name 3 DVDs you currently own.

(1) All the Harry Potter movies that are available on DVD yet
(2) The extended versions of all 3 Lord of the Rings movies
(3) Serenity

Salad: If you were to win a superlative award now (such as most talented, class clown, most likely to succeed), what would it be?

Kookiest? Weirdest? Liz, Clover, if you're reading this, what do you think? I do recall that I was considered to be the weirdest girl in my 6th-grade class. I was, but that didn't make it any easier to deal with.

Main Course: What is your favorite radio station?

I don't really have a favorite radio station. I usually listen to CDs. I recently got Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince on CD, and I've been listening to that during my brief commute to work. And at work I usually listen to jazz or torch music on CD.

Dessert: Complete this sentence: I believe __________ because __________.

I believe that I don't want to get into a deep philosophical thing here, because I've had to delve deep within my personal beliefs over the last week and I'm tired and have a headache. It's time for me to lighten up for a little while. I know that's fudging the intent of the question, but it's my prerogative.

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