Thursday, February 09, 2006


I just found these--I wrote them sometime last summer. They're too dreadful not to share with the world, so here you go:

A man who was blind as a bat
Mistook his wife for a hat.
He ran into his doctor
And cheerfully doffed her
And the doctor said, "My! Fancy that!"

There once was a girl named Michele
with a voice that pealed like a bele.
When Michele sang the blues
It became front page news
Because Michele made the beles loudly knele.

I love Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet--
Fortunately, Joe doesn't know it.
But I must not have an affair
with a medieval longhair.
I couldn't keep it secret--I'd blow it!

Job hunting is a pain in the a@@
and rude people are really quite cra@@
I'm lonely and blue
and I can't find my blue shoe
to wear to my next training cla@@


WendyLou said...

There once was a girl from Dublin,
Who ate more than a tupin.
Her belly exploded,
her mind imploded,
and everyon else ate a muffin.

My contribution. Thanks for the funny poems.

carrie said...

those are cool