Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back spasms

Did I mention nearly slipping in the bathtub a few weeks ago? I was taking a shower and suddenly felt my feet sliding backwards. The way I was headed, I would have cracked my skull wide open on the tile. I was terrified, although I didn't quite see my life flashing before me, and somehow managed to save myself from falling. In the process, I twisted my back pretty badly. It hurt for a few days, and then let up.

Well, it started hurting again Friday or Saturday. Today it was bad enough that I took off work a few hours early and went to the doctor. He said that I pulled some muscles back there, and gave me some anti inflammatories and some muscle relaxers. I'm about to drowse off now, as they're kicking in.

And may I just say, I won! I don't have to take Molly to the vet after all! I've got to reschedule it for Saturday morning, and Joe gets to take her!!!

Okay, I'd rather NOT have the back spasms and have to take her to the vet, but still, one looks for the silver lining, right?

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