Friday, April 28, 2006

Another Lesson I Wish I Hadn't Learned

If you drop your cell phone on a hard, tiled bathroom floor, it will bust.

I know, I know. What was I doing with my cell phone in the bathroom? Well, I had a stomach-ache, and didn't have a book in my purse. So I decided to play solitaire while I was otherwise occupied. One little slip of the hand, and bammo! Smash! It's in three pieces, and I will be amazed if they're able to fix it.

I'm really not happy about this. It's been just over a year since I bought this phone, so no chance of a rebate on a new phone. That means I've got to get a new phone. I could probably do without a cell phone, although it would be inconvenient, except that we don't have a home phone. So, no cell phone, no phone period.

Grumble grouch snarl.

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