Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Well, I just completed my first application for a teaching job. Wow! They want to know everything, including your opinions on the role of education. What are you supposed to say in answer to that? Well, gee, I think education is important. It is--but that's not going to make a good impression on anyone. I tried to just answer as matter-of-factly (is that even a word?) as I talk. There is also an online interview that applicants have to go through; however, I already did that interview for the alternative certification program I am attending this summer. I just had to enter some information into that system, and they will forward my results to that school district.

There are 6 school districts within very easy driving distance of my home, and I would enjoy working for any of them. If I don't get a job with any of them, then I'll look at the other districts. It's a little scary when I look at the calendar and realize I have 2 months and 2 weeks in which to find a teaching job.

Okay. I'm going to take a deep breath, play a few games, and then lollygag the rest of the evening. If anyone is reading this, wish me luck and say a prayer! Thank you!

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