Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Are You More?"

Are you more...

01) Banjo for the fun, danceable sound or violin for the soulful, spirit-lifting sound? Of the two, I prefer the violin to the banjo.

02) Bus/subway for cheapness and ecological responsibility or cab for door to door convenience? When I lived in Salt Lake City, I didn't have a car until after I was married, so this question I dealt with back then. I preferred the bus for cheapness the majority of the time. Of course, after I lugged home several bags full of groceries, including a heavy frozen turkey, only to have the bags split open and spill their contents over the grass as I exited the bus, I quickly learned to either walk or ride the bus to the grocery store, and take a taxi home.

03) Paper grocery bags for the capacity and biodegradableness or plastic grocery bags for the convenience and reusability? I like the paper grocery bags for the capacity, biodegradableness (is that even a word), AND the convenience and reusability. I loathe the plastic bags.

04) Liking fruit that you peel (bananas, oranges, etc.) or fruit that you don't peel (apples, pears, etc.)? I like both equally. I tend to eat at least one apple and one banana every day, as well as any other good fruit I can get my hands on. I LOVE cherries, even though I have to spit out the pits, and I LOVE canteloupe, even though I have to peel and cut it up.

05) Expensive 3-ply kleenex or discount 2-ply kleenex? I like the expensive 3-ply tissue with the lotion.

06) Super soft toilet paper to be cushy on your widdle bum or rough, no-nonsense toilet paper to be sure to get your dirty asshole clean? My house is more than 50 years old, which means my pipes are more than 50 years old. Give me the rough, no-nonsense toilet paper that doesn't clog the pipes!

07) Watching fake wrestling (WWE, for example) for the kitchy drama or watching real fighting (boxing, UFC, etc.) for the realness? Neither. Thanks.

08) Coy about telling people what you want when asked ("Oh I don't need anything.") or upfront about telling people what you want when asked ("I would LOVE a new watch.")? It depends upon who's doing the asking.

09) Believing NASA is amazing for inventing the Space Pen (works in no gravity) or believing NASA is stupid for not doing like the Russians who just use pencils? I believe NASA is amazing for all kinds of things, although the Space Pen isn't the feat I rank most highly.

10) A Spanky fan or an Alfalfa fan? Spanky, all the way. Although Alfalfa is cute!

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